
My Unicorn Planner Traveler’s Notebook {Review}

Hey Everyone,

As most of you know I am a massive stationery and planner-holic. One of my Your World of Colour PR Team members has her own shop that sells handmade paperclips and Traveler’s Notebooks, MyUnicornPlanner.

I couldn’t resist the lure of the sloth fabric so I went ahead and purchased one, along with another fabric one for my friend.

I was so excited when they arrived. Apart from being extremely well made the scalloped edges give a little extra width so you don’t have to worry about any overhang issues. I could easily get about 8 books in mine without any hassle.

The spine is made with a glitter material that sparkles so beautifully without been too domineering.

You can decide on whether or not you want pockets, I did and got these wonderful generous sized pockets at the front and back.

The B6 size price starts at £19 and increases depending on the additions that you want to add such as pockets, glitter shakers etc and it’s worth checking out the Facebook Group for additional discounts and PR Codes.

All in all I am very impressed. These are very well made and arrived within the specified time frame.

Thank you for reading.

Emma-Louise x

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